musings. artings. writings.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

cari nash goes to the marshall islands

allison came from new orleans to surprise cari. i came up from charlottesville to visit my fam and hang out with the old gang. it was classic and i am so glad that it happened.

my new favorite person to hang out with when drunk: james.
we got trashed with cari's parents (cheryl is the greatest) and reminisced about old times and caught up on new times we've had alone. it's a little sad that i don't know what it feels like to be part of the work force... but on the other hand i'm happy i have time to figure out what i'm going to do with my future.

chad, james, and i went to the gym. i ran six and a half miles. intense.
when i got home... i had the hilarious opportunity to watch my brother follow along with an exercise video. you should try it. it brings the lols.

its also pretty funny that you have to apply to be a part of, that makes me laugh.

harry potter! woo,
derek cooper.

Friday, July 10, 2009

i don't even love you.

i don't ever want to see you! (my new jam!)

everybody should just be like the kitty kat.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

spider sex violent but effective.

today, i learned to drive.
thank you vicky for being such a kind and patient teacher.

it's about time i learned how to.

also, on the bbc they had this article about spiders that make gashes in the females abdomen and inject semen directly into their ovaries. smart spiders. that's how i would do it.

rain is great,

p.s. last weekend my group show opened at the bridge pai, this picture was taken of me, unknowingly.
(Photograph courtesy of Billy Hunt)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

funny story:

remember how i was bitching about the new urban outfitters store?
well i work there now. begrudgingly.

i've always been a hypocrite i guess. like when I said I would update this at least every once in a while. i don't. it's also not a street style blog. because they are getting way too much hype these days. i also don't think i have the time and patience.

things that have been going on lately in world:
iran: the government is trying to stop all iranians living in iran from twittering (tweeting?) what is really going on. i've bee asked to change my location to tehran, iran to make it harder for the government to stop the tweeters (?)

honduras: hooray! ignorance. ok i understand that there was a 'military coup' and we know how much the democratic world hates those even if they are trying to get rid of a president who is going against the constitution. oh man... america hates coups but love dictators. they sure did in the 60s-80s...

mj: sad times. i've been watching dead like me lately and just watched this episode that asked the question why is it that humans give value to some lives over others? and followed with the statement that, maybe its just easier for us to show collective sorrow for people we don't know personally. well anyway, i'm not necessarily going to give mj a candlelight vigil but i will be sad. (The rest of us get the vigil of the stars -- how beautiful is that?)

vaccine for rabies: awesome!

finally i pose the question: can christians be hip?


Friday, February 6, 2009

alternate 7

i bought two pairs of vintage boots and two pairs of tom's downtown today... lol, recession.
they are making an urban downtown at the old hardware store, now every 'unique' person is going to look the same. i can't wait until all the 'different' people are wearing the same thing. They'll probably start lying about how they bought it thrifting.

so urban,

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

oh wow.

fail. i completely failed at this blog business.
i forget that coming back to uva means that i have to be involved again with the student body & the institution.

remind me to be less involved. it hurts.

but on a lighter note, i guess: i've started going to the gym. it's actually not that bad, I just can't seem to wrap my head around the ritual of going to a space with machines that make you 'fit' with controlled heating and people that seem to be like cats in heat.

i don't have very much else to say except i might quote don juan from castaneda, "...he's a man of knowledge and his predilection is dancing. So he dances and knows."


Sunday, January 11, 2009

patria, son tantas cosas bellas;.

interestingly enough i just found out on that there really are venomous MAMMALS! they are in the shrew family and live in central america, wow!
i'm heading back to the states tomorrow and i'll arrive in charlottesville at 3 am-ish.

i suppose i'm still working two jobs upon arrival. fun.
and i think i may only take twelve credits this semester. more fun.

i'll miss my amigos,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

new years resolution

according to the bbc, new years resolutions are apparently bad for your mental health.
i say... oh well, i've never really had a nyr so i might as well deteriorate my mental health starting now. not that that hasn't happened to me already with other such mind-numbing experiences i've had.

but nonetheless it is my resolution to keep an semi-up-to-date blog about the thrilling events that occur in charlottesville virginia!!!

it might be hard to let you know what's going on in the 'ville at the moment because i am currently in panama, but hark the blogging will commence asap.
