musings. artings. writings.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

cari nash goes to the marshall islands

allison came from new orleans to surprise cari. i came up from charlottesville to visit my fam and hang out with the old gang. it was classic and i am so glad that it happened.

my new favorite person to hang out with when drunk: james.
we got trashed with cari's parents (cheryl is the greatest) and reminisced about old times and caught up on new times we've had alone. it's a little sad that i don't know what it feels like to be part of the work force... but on the other hand i'm happy i have time to figure out what i'm going to do with my future.

chad, james, and i went to the gym. i ran six and a half miles. intense.
when i got home... i had the hilarious opportunity to watch my brother follow along with an exercise video. you should try it. it brings the lols.

its also pretty funny that you have to apply to be a part of, that makes me laugh.

harry potter! woo,
derek cooper.

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