musings. artings. writings.

Monday, March 1, 2010

New ways of being human.

Today is my day off from school. I am currently reading: "Dancing Prophets, Musical Experience in Tumbuka Healing", for my anthropology class, Communitas. We study the spontaneous and ecstatic eruptions of communal living that provide a space outside of structured society.

Updates since the last I've written on ye blog: I'm on the tail end of my education at the University of Virginia and am bitter that other majors don't have to have final shows. Studio Art majors are required to display their art, and as a DMP [Distinguished Majors Project] I wrote a thesis on top of that. Anyway, my show is up April 5-9, at Ruffin Gallery. If you want to check out some awesome photographs: [Wolfgang Tillmans] and [Ryan McGinley].

On Power and the Body: First of all, if you go to the University of Virginia, and you want to get your mind blown daily... take a class with George Mentore. Second of all -- "we participate in our own subjugation to the state," read some Foucault, re-read it, think about it.

Check this:, specifically the piece on the Northern Pacific Gyre. It's a plastic fantastic world and not in a very good way.

peace out... but not literally,

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